Why do I process personal data?

Visitors to my website are not obliged to provide personal data. Nevertheless, anyone interested in my services can get in touch via my contact form, and some personal data has to be collected in order to establish communication.

The legal basis for processing your data is to perform the services you request or to take necessary steps prior to fulfilling that request and to comply with legal requirements.

I collect, store and use such personal data in order to issue quotes, provide the services requested, issue invoices or comply with legal requirements.

I do not use your personal data for marketing purposes, nor do I disclose it to unauthorised third parties.

What data do I collect?

I hold data on clients, suppliers, collaborators, data processors and potential clients for legitimate interests.

Personal data collected may include your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, ID/tax number, payment and delivery conditions, financial and bank account details. The data in question will be retained throughout the business relationship only, or for the length of time stipulated to comply with legal and tax obligations.

How long do I keep this data?

Data relating to quotes will be retained for up to six months. In cases of work carried out, your personal data will be retained for up to five completed tax years to comply with tax obligations. I will also delete email communication after this period. Should you ask me to delete translations before this period has expired, I cannot be held responsible for queries or claims relating to the content, as I have no way of verifying the accuracy of the original content.

Who else may have access to your personal data?

If I send a text for revision or editing to a colleague, that text will be anonymised, so that your personal data will not appear, or the colleague will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement if necessary. They will be advised of their legal obligations in relation to confidentiality and professional secrecy.

Other parties may have access to your personal data for administrative purposes, including my website and email hosting services. All these parties are also compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, or in the case of US companies, are self-certified under the US Privacy Shield framework.

What are your rights?

I take all precautionary steps to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, in relation to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

You are entitled to access, modify, erase or contest the personal data that I hold, in accordance with the abovementioned EU regulation. Please send your request directly to and I will act upon this as soon as possible, within a maximum of one month from the date of your request.

Please contact me if you have any concerns about how I process your personal data. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body in Spain or in the country where you live.

What security measures do I take?

I take all possible precautionary measures to guarantee that your personal data is safeguarded.

The equipment used for storing and processing personal data is updated as frequently as possible. Anti-virus software is installed to prevent the theft or destruction of this information and is regularly updated.

Personal data is periodically backed up so that personal data can be recovered in the event of loss or damage. Should this back up be done via electronic methods, an encrypted method is used to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data, in the event of unlawful third-party access. All electronic systems in use for storing or processing personal information are password protected.


Like most websites, mine also uses cookies to collect data. Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer (PCs, smart phones or tablets) as you browse. They are used to remember when your computer or device accesses this website, they help it operate effectively and improve your user experience.

The data collected includes pages viewed and your journey around the website. These cookies are not used to collect or record data on your name, address or other contact details.

You can disable the use of cookies by changes your browser settings to reject cookies. In doing so, some of the website services may no longer function properly.

Social media features

This website also includes links to my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts and professional affiliation profiles. These features are provided by the third-party social media platforms themselves. If and when data is collected in this way, its processing is governed by the privacy policy of the respective social media platforms.

This Privacy Notice was updated on 01 September 2020 and will be reviewed as and when necessary.